Wednesday, November 27, 2019


When someone was about to die, we would visit him. I did a lot of spells on pastors and have reversed many of them. Let me explain something, dead people are not demons, but they cannot do anything in this world anymore as they are awaiting their day of judgement. There are chiefs who govern in each location, for example in Nzimakwe; they have their chief who is a satanist I've already explained above who is classified as a Satanist. When I arrived there, they gave me a code, and offered me blood, because you have to live on the blood of people to lose all human feelings, and behave like an animal. Another year, I was sent to Ntuzuma. nonkoliso ngeleka mp3

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If he was not holy, I wrote his name in our book so that on the Day of Judgment he goes to burn in hell with us. We were counting down and knew that Jesus could return at any time. I could not even lift my foot. We were given this blood occasionally. We would ngelekq to their graves and put our spirits to make you believe nonkolisk it is your parent that is acting, but it is actually us that are acting.

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If a person is holy, that person does not use our products, the strings are our products, it was my duty ngepeka utter incantations and curses on those objects, earrings, necklaces, nail varnish, hair extensions in fiber, no matter what kind, whether bonding or braiding, all objects in gold are satanic products.

We knew that we would burn in Hell, we were told this. I answered and told him it was me. After they prayed for me, I regained my senses, I decided to be saved and I will testify in the whole world.

My name is Nonkoliso Ngeleka.

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It is really important that jonkoliso pay your tithes nonioliso before meeting your needs. When a demon is tormented because of fire, it responds to any question. I used to braid my hair and she had the same hairstyle. Those are the ones who will be resurrected when Christ returns. This recording was in progress when I left. There was a pastor there; I will not mention his name. These aborted children deal with these cases.

And there came a time where I got a promotion because I had worked a lot with these things and I had great success and they added another digit to my code, because I had passed the class of prayer and pronouncing curses on fiber hair extensions, jewelry, and similar things. God bless you all and know that Jesus is coming very soon to take His church.

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If you are a child of God born again and fast regularly, you are always protected by a wall of fire around you. Tithes protect you against accidents and help you nbeleka holy.

If he needs blood, we would have to cause an accident in that area.

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Similarly if we cause an accident with a Christian among the passengers, we would not be able to drink the blood of the people who ngeeleka there, because the blood of the Christian would damage the blood in that blood bank, and if we had to drink this blood, we would be weak and unable to do our work. We would do it especially when we saw that you have a gift that would be to our detriment. We changed what was written in the Bible for example the fact that a woman should not wear a man's cloth.

Initially we were sent to cause gneleka on the roads, so that the demons in space have blood to drink. Like HIV, doctors cannot find the cure, that's because they are in the flesh, but I am a witness today that HIV was created in space, so that the youth will die young without knowing the salvation of the Lord Jesus. This is because the earring or hair extension fiber that you own have a code.

He asked again and I could not answer. My friend jumped and fell and wanted to run away.

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Once he held a revival meeting in Sea View, I was still studying him. Other times a Pastor would be strong and resist us with the rings, we would use his wife. As time passed, there was an anointed Pastor named Chiliza of Mandawe.

We also worked with government leaders, Presidents; I will not mention the name of the president that we caught. I did a lot of spells on pastors and have reversed many of them. So if you have it on you, you are saying that Jesus is weak.

I trust in God because I have seen His power.

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